Did you know?

October is a special month for millions of shelter dogs across America as they find their forever homes! October has been deemed Adopt a Shelter Dog Month by the ASPCA and AAHA in an effort to find as many dogs the loving homes they deserve! Did you know that there are approximately 3.3 million dogs put into shelters every year? With numbers like that you’re gauranteed to find a good fit for your home!

If adopting a dog this month is something you’re interested in, visit our local shelters:

Howl-o-Ween and Pets

Although Halloween is a ton of fun for us and out families, there are a lot of potential dangers or stresses for our pets. Here are some safety tips to keep your fur baby happy and safe on Halloween night!

  • Make sure the candy and treats are well out of your fur babies reach! Several popular halloween treats are toxic to cats and dogs!
  • Be careful with costumes! We recommend trying on costumes before the big night to ensure your pets are comfortable and movement and breathing are not restricted. Check the costume careful for small, dangling, or easily chewable parts that could present a choking hazard or could be swallowed!
  • If your pet is nervous around strangers, make sure to have a safe hiding space for them to be comfortable while you have trick-or-treaters at your door.

Doctor's Recommendation

If you plan on taking your pooch Trick-Or-Treating with you, keep in mind that all of the loud sounds and strangers in costume may cause your dog to be stressed or fearful. Always keep your pet on leash so you can steer them away from frightening situations if need be. Before you leave the house, plan an exit strategy in case the walk becomes un-enjoyable for your furry friend, and consider putting reflectors or lights on your pet in case they do get away from you. Ultimately, it is important to understand your dog and not push their boundaries, as halloween can often be as scary as July Fourth or New Years Eve for our fur babies.

Grooming Gossip

Pet Safe Dye for Howl-o-Ween!

Do you want to do something extra fun with your pet this Halloween? Did you know we offer pet safe dye here?! The dye we use is a temporary creme conditioner made from botanticles and is completely vegan.. No harsh chemicals! Depending on your pets coat type and color, it can last a few days to a few weeks! Of course it works best on light colored fur! We have a rainbow of colors to choose from and can dye their paws, ears, tail, or even a mohawk! If this is something you’re interested in scheduling for, or would like to know more about, give us a call today! I look forward to meeting your spooky fur babies this month!